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Message from the AFRAA Secretary General

Abderahmane Berthe
It is a great pleasure for the African Airlines Association (AFRAA) to welcome our member airlines, partners, and the travel ecosystem stakeholders at large to the 55th Annual General Assembly (AGA) & Summit of the Association. Join us from 19-21 November 2023 in Entebbe, Uganda – the Pearl of Africa - at this critical forum for the industry to create the much-needed enabling environment for air transport business to thrive and contribute to the African continent’s development.
This annual African air transport summit and conference gathers top leaders of the air transport industry from across the globe. Deliberations over the course of the AGA will focus on the sustainability of the air transport industry in Africa. This will better prepare stakeholders to continue making the travel ecosystem more resilient and viable. The Assembly is therefore a critical forum for us to create the much-needed enabling environment for air transport business to thrive and contribute to the continent’s development.
With so many representatives from the African airlines, industry partners, international and regional associations, leading manufacturers and industry suppliers as well as our media partners, there are tremendous opportunities to network and explore business opportunities.
Tukwaniriza e Uganda (Welcome to Uganda)
Mr Abderahmane Berthé
AFRAA Secretary general